More about the N-Code™
Extract from Jude's Ecademy Profile gives a quickie defiinition of the N-Code™. No doubt she will add more as the blog develops.
Working with Simon Phillips of Simesco Ltd, we have developed a powerful tool that pinpoints how you specifically produce the results that you not only find the most rewarding but also bring you the greatest success. This tool is called the N-Code™ It utilises techniques developed by some of the planet's greatest performance leaders and coaches. We take you through a process of discovery that will make a profound impact on your business, social, and personal life.
Why Seeing the Code?
This blog is an experiment and a journey. Judith Germain and Simon Philips have developed a process - the N-Code™- that allows people to find a phrase that best describes how they work (my description - Jude will add hers here later). My phrase is 'Leading the Way'.
Problem is that I'm not doing that these days and I'd very much like to get back to doing it again. So this blog will follow that journey as I move from where I am now to where I'd like to be.
Who am I?
I'm a writer and publisher who has a former working life as an IT Analyst and Manager, a retail systems expert and IT salesperson. he move into writing happened in 2001/2 and publishing happened in 2005.
I'll be adding thoughts here as they arise and the intention is that the whole process will be mapped through our contributions.
Let the journey begin.....